Classroom Information

Behavior Plan for Ms. V’s Class

Classroom Rules:

  • Keep your hands and feet to yourself
  • Keep your listening ears on at all times
  • Be nice to your friends and teachers
  • Be responsible for your own action

I use a Green, Yellow, Red stop light system in my classroom. All students start the day with their name on green. When students misbehave they will first be given a warning, if the behavior continues their color will be changed to yellow. At each level the students will be given a verbal warning to change their behavior before being moved to the next color down on the chart. If the student continues to misbehave they will then be moved to red. When a student’s color is changed they do have the opportunity to move back up the color scale by displaying positive behavior and following classroom rules/directions. Students who stay on green for the entire day will be given first choice of free time activities during the last few minutes of the school day. If a student has to be moved to yellow twice during the school day they will lose the first 2 minutes of free time. If a student is moved to red (twice or more) during the school day they will lose 5 minutes of their free time. Students who lose free time will stay in their seats, they will be given the option to read a book or put their head down. Parents will be given the attached sheet in the student’s folder each day informing them of their student’s color and a brief description of their behavior if the students color was changed. If a student loses any or all of their free time this will be noted along with their color for each day on the paper and will be sent home with the student in their folder. The parents will be informed at the beginning of the school year that if they would like to discuss their students color they are always welcome to call or email me at any time for more information. When student are having rough days or are continuously misbehaving they will be given a time out to cool down in a designated area in the classroom this will be on a student to student basses, based on their needs. If the student is being overly disruptive they will be given a break in the hallway with an adult from our classroom and will return when they have cooled down. I also will utilize buddy rooms with my fellow special education teachers based on the student’s needs. If at any time a student needs a time out or buddy room break this will be documented on their behavior page in their folders each day or a phone call will be made on a situational basis.

I also will be using a sticker chart to reinforce positive behaviors. Students can earn stickers for following classroom expectations and being on task throughout the day. When their chart is full at the end of that school day they can pick out of my prize box as a reward for good behavior.