Updates from Fifth Grade:


As first quarter is winding down, we want to remind everyone about the First Quarter Incentive. In order to participate, students needed to have the Incentive form returned signed. Passing grades as of the day before the incentive are another of the requirements to attend. Also, they will need to continue to be at school every day on time all day. Eligible students will have no more than five absences, tardies, or early releases. Attendance is crucial and we appreciate your support.


First quarter Galileo testing will be NEXT WEEK, October 1st – 4th.. We’re excited to see the growth from the beginning of the year!


Please help your child find a place to keep the school ID so they have it every day. It is a required part of the uniform. Replacement IDs can be purchased in the office for $4.00.



From Mr. Bender:


ELA: Friday we assessed on Cause & Effect and Summarizing.  Grades will be posted in ParentVue shortly after this email. Next week we will be moving to Making Inferences and Quoting from the text. There will be new Spelling words on Monday and Reading Log due Friday. Make sure that your child is asking you to sign their reading log for each day! They are only required to do Monday- Thursday. The weekend is optional.


SCI: Scores from the Muscular System Test have been inputted, and next week we will be focusing on the Respiratory and Nervous Systems.


From Ms. Wolff:


MATH: We have begun chapter two: multiplying whole numbers.  Please be sure that you are having your child practice their basic multiplication facts EVERY NIGHT for about 20 minutes.  If they don’t have these basic math facts memorized, they will not be as successful with the coming chapters.  Also, the subtracting decimals reteach assignments are available on the google classroom, via MOBY MAX. Students may complete the reteach assignments on their own time for an effort grade.  The Subtract Decimals Test is now available for retest through Friday October 5.  Any student with a score of less than 75% is able to retest.  Retests can be taken Tuesday or Thursday after school in ABI or Friday during Paws retesting.  



All math homework can be found on the google classroom, and submitted through a google form.  Your child will be shown how to access and submit their homework properly here at school, so they are able to do it successfully at home.  If you do not have an internet connection, or a computer, your child is more than welcome to stay after school on TUESDAYS AND THURSDAYS from 2:45-3:40pm for ABI, as a volunteer, to complete their work.  Below are the instructions for accessing the google classroom at home. Your child was given these instructions on paper last Friday, and they have their username and password already filled into the blank slots.

Accessing Google Classroom from Home


1.) Go to www.google.com

2.) Sign in with your student username ____________________@stu.laveeneld.org and their password

3.) Click on the 9 dots (waffle) in the top right corner and find the google classroom app.

4.) Once you have clicked on the google classroom app, you are now linked to all of the google classrooms you are assigned to, and you have access to them at home.


Almost everything your child may need to be successful is on our google classroom!



From Mr. Pitts:

Music: Fifth Graders continued their bucket drumming unit this week by reading short rhythm pieces and playing them on their drums. We also have been working on creating short rhythmic ideas for others to copy. We will eventually apply these concepts to a piece of music down the road.


Calendar Updates:

Please mark your calendar for these upcoming events:

10/1 – 10/4                      Galileo Testing

10/5                                     5th Grade 1st Quarter Incentive

10/6 – 10/14                             Fall Break

10/15                                   2nd Quarter begins

10/24-10/25                       Parent-Teacher Conferences

11/7 Saturday                      Trailside Point Performing Arts Festival