Journalism Class

Welcome to Journalism!


This year we will be working to learn how to be successful journalist through a digital newspaper and printed yearbooks for students.


Important- Needed (if students have trouble getting these please see me by 8/12)

  • 1– 2 pocket folders
  • Pencils and pens: Students should come prepared with these everyday. Both pens and pencil will be needed.

Recommended (these items will be provided as a class set, but students may want their own)


  • Mouse- Wired or wireless (these will not be provided, but can be useful through the heavy computer use)


Classroom donations  (any of these items will be used for the entire class and to prepare activities)


  • Printer Paper
  • College Ruled lined paper





Students will be earn two grades: Academic and Effort


Academic: A-F grades showing students mastery of the concepts based on journalism tests and projects. Students may make up these assignments to show mastery after being re-taught, getting tutoring, or independently studying.


Effort: Excellent, Satisfactory, and Need Improvement grades showing students behavior in class, participation on news articles and yearbook pages, and completion of deadline projects.




Outside Time Commitment: Students will have outside commitments that they will sign up for. They may need to attend sporting, school, or district events to complete their articles/pages.


Deadlines: Since this class is use to produce school wide materials, due date will be held to a high standard. Very few assignments will be able to be turned in late or made up. Academic assignments will always be able to redone before the end of the quarter.



I am available through email as the best means of communication.



Phone: 602-304-2020 Ex 3677
