Word family: short i
Sight words- my, how, ate
Spanish sílabas- ma, pa, sa, la, ta
Spanish words- negro, dormir, qué
Dear Parents,
All cookie dough orders are due this Wednesday, November 15th. Please be sure to send those in.
We continue to collect Box Tops all year long! Please ask your family, coworkers, and friends to collect them for us too 🙂
Ending Nov 30th– Laveen Lions Community Food Drive! Please send in canned and dry goods (no glass please). Our classrooms are specifically collecting- stuffing, dressing, and instant potatoes.
We truly appreciate all you do 🙂
Dates to remember: 
Nov 1st- 15th- PTA Cookie Dough Fundraiser
Nov 14th- PTA Meeting @ 6pm
Nov 15th- PTA Barro’s Dine Out, Half Day Release
Ending Nov 30th- Laveen Lions Community Food Drive!
– Maestra Parkerson and Ms. Henry