Classroom Information

Classroom Expectations

  1. Be respectful to your peers and teachers.
  2. Don’t make excuses.
  3. Do your best consistently.
  4. Come to school prepared to learn and participate.


Grading Policy

Based on the culmination of the following:


  1. Student’s skill improvement
  2. Student’s conduct and cooperation
  3. Student’s effort and participation


Middle School

  1. Units are a week long
  2. Each unit is worth 10 points


Primary Grades

  1. Units are 2 weeks long
  2. Each unit is worth 10 points


    • Athletic or close toed shoes for traction and safety. (Hard soles slip)
    • Secure long hair with clips, bands or hair ties.
    • A smile that comes from being well rested and fed.


  • Gum, Candy, or Jewelry are not allowed during participation.
  • Always encourage your classmates.



Medical limitations = Modified or non-participation prescriptions should be given to Coach Roberts and kept on file with the school nurse.  Return to full activity date must be specified either at time of initial prescription or on the first day that normal PE activities are resumed.  For recurring medical incidents (ex. Asthma), the student, as able, is responsible to notify the teacher of flare ups and follow medical plan.  Minor injuries/illnesses = Parent’s note acceptable for two classes.